Climate & Water Coordinator
Deadline for application is March 31, 2023 at 12:00 pm Atlantic Time
Our deepest sympathies to the family of Keptin John Joe Sark of Epekwitk
On behalf of the Chiefs of Nova Scotia we offer solace to the Grand Council, their families and community members, and the many Mi’kmaw people across Mi’kma’ki who experienced the kindness and generosity of Keptin Sark.
COVID-19 Post-Pandemic Recovery Regional Engagement Report
From Noel Joe, COVID Lead, Liaison and Communications, and Angelina Amaral, Administration and Research. For Regional Chief, Paul Prosper, Nova Scotia.
First Nations Policing : Nova Scotia Region
Prepared by Angelina Amaral and Dr. Jane McMillan. Prepared for Regional Chief, Paul (PJ) Propser.